Beginning Tips
Hi there, thanks for jumping into AeroMC. We hope you like our gaming environment, you can find a few gaming tips here below to start a new journey with blazing fast and really-thrilling updates!
Last updated
Hi there, thanks for jumping into AeroMC. We hope you like our gaming environment, you can find a few gaming tips here below to start a new journey with blazing fast and really-thrilling updates!
Last updated
You can vote for us to start-off your journey! We wish you good luck and happy gaming.
To keep the documentation simple for the new players, we're diving it into tabs. You may click on the tabs one-by-one to know everything about how you can start the journey, earn money and how to unlock the mysteries!
We have made a specialized list of tasks one might want to do to start-off the game, and yeah these are written in the codes' language so you need to have some scooby-gang's decoding skills, haha!
Vote for us to earn rewards and make sure to claim your kits and daily rewards (claim more of it with the premium ranks)
Talk to the villagers could help you know them more
Creating an island could be a good option
Community chests sometime contain magical stuff in them, do they?
Enchanting is lapis-less, how so? None knows
Enhance your skills, combat could help you much
Check out the warps in /warp
Try out /is help to learn more commands about islands
Join our discord server if you ever need help, we're here to help everyone.